Spindles & Flyers
Spinning Guild
Spindles & Flyers Spinning Guild is a local group for people who share a commonality of spinning yarn; BUT we also weave, knit, crochet, felt, tat, sprang, make baskets, dye, learn, teach, share, and love all types of textiles and textile arts.
We welcome interested people to our monthly meetings, September through June, often on the fourth Sunday of the month. Please check the About Us and Calendar pages for definite dates and tentative/firm programs.
Our Next Guild Meeting is Sunday, March 23, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Program: “Creativity and Inspiration in Spinning, Knitting and Weaving”
with Marlie de Swart
**Location for Feb and Mar meetings: San Pablo Hall, 342 Georgia St. Vallejo**
Your handiwork for Show and Tell
A mug for coffee or tea
A bite to eat for yourself during break
Library items to return (note: currently on hold while the guild library is being set up in a new location)
Your dues ($30 for individuals or $45 for a family) if you have not already renewed your membership for 2024-2025). New members pay half the annual dues when joining between February and May
Fragrance Free: Please remember that guild gatherings are fragrance free, so please check your soaps, laundry products, and cosmetics for fragrance.
Check the Library page for a catalog of books, electronic media, magazines and equipment. Let your librarian know what you would like brought to the next meeting for checkout through the easy request form. Please don't forget to return books, magazines, and equipment checked out at previous meetings.
We start a new program year each September with the annual paying of dues and member stash sale.
Dues are $30 per year for one person or $45 for households or family.
Please complete the membership form with full name, street, city, ZIP, home phone, cell phone, email, and family member if paying $45 family rate. New members pay half the annual dues when joining between February and May.
Request USPS mailing address from our guild treasurer.
The Finnish Hall
1970 Chestnut St
Berkeley, CA 94702
From I-80 East:
University Ave exit from I-80 E
Chestnut St is the second left after San Pablo Ave
Across from the Berkeley Unified School District
From I-80 West/I-580 East:
University Ave exit from I-80 W
Chestnut St is the second left after San Pablo Ave
Across from the Berkeley Unified School District
From North Berkeley BART Station, head south and turn right on Delaware St. Turn left on Chestnut. The Finnish Hall will on the right.